Thanks to all.

Posted: October 3, 2012 in Random thoughts

Feeling much better after a celebration of smokes, booze, electro and retarded head bobbing.

Sorry if didnt appear at your “tiew”. Promise to go next week after work and catch up with you all again.

Ill fight to see another day people. On the plus side my career is finally taking off after tons of self study, research and months of hard work. My hair is all greyed from stress but I finally did it. Lots of pressure but I think no sweat la.

Maybe it is time to focus on other things now. I prayed hard for a miracle today, didn’t come as expected but it still is and I’m happy. I nursed a broken heart but a new door opened up in its place.

Not closing the old one just yet… (I hate to use this phrase) but ill play by ear, who knows.

At least this new door (if all is well) is a ticket out of the country and finally “zhao lor” for good.

No I won’t write a sappy farewell letter if I do, I’m just going to take a dump at Changi Airport and leave. Sorry but for those close to me you should know how much I hate the trap door of a country.

I must admit I have not been writing a lot these days because no writer can really be good at what he does without a tragedy, disaster or a heartbreak, so expect the old blog to be packed again and Ill see you at the clubs and various events once again. (Oh god not this guy again) I know.

A gal pal recommended I try Absinth to drown away my sorrows. As Barney from “How I met your mother” would say… “Challenge Accepted.”

Agreed, enough drinks, metal and DJing will get me out of the slumps.

To all, who have shown love. Thank you and God bless. I think metal heads have to be the most sensitive people in the world, guttural vocalists, mad shredders were to first to the rescue. Thanks ar. You bleed ears at concerts and at your bars but your words are like an angels harp to the broken soul.

PAP detesters thank you also, seriously I’m fine. All the more energy to slam this “fine” country.

Good night and have a pleasant working day! Hope to catch up with all of you soon. Just let me get my balls straight this week and the next. Lots of pressure, please continue to pray for me too.

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