Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Work Life Balance Scale By Country

A lot of my friends meet up with me and ask me, “Like it that you hate Singapore man, I’m with you.”

Honestly speaking, I don’t. I’m just extremely upset to see the way things are now.

I recently heard the music video of “We are Singapore” and “Count on me Singapore”, national day songs we used to sing in the 80’s and I was sincerely brought to tears when I heard it on the Telly. It didn’t help either that they were showing scenes of the way things were back then.

I’ve memorized the words since I was in Kindergarten and I sang those words as a child with gusto. “Onward”, “Progress”, counting on our generation to produce a better society for ourselves, our loved ones, our parents and our children to reside in someday.

Now when I sing the same lyrics 20 years later I regret I ever sang for more “progress” in Singapore because I’ve realized as a man and in adulthood that there is no finish line to “Singapore’s progress”, what I’ve done is glorify a horrible thing and dug a fucking hole for myself and our future generations.

I was born in Singapore, I still have hopes for my country like the rest of everybody else. I just choose to break to balls of those that try to fuck me over and have some fun at the same time.

Hate is too strong a word for my behaviour, It’s simply societal and governmental frustration. Nothing more. Happy national day!

I can be a local politician I tell you. There aren’t too many responses to the peoples problems.

When kena caught, push blame. Black and white serves no purpose. After that, send in the scrape goat.

When answering tough questions, play reversi.

“Hmm, but let me ask you first. What do you think?”

Sir, why COE price so high? Living cost going up till no end? Wages so pathetic, ten years and still no change?

Response: Under the LAN LAN act I sentence you to “Lan lan suck thumb till the next elections!”

‘New’ Acting Minister Chan Chun Sing wants to examine why Singaporeans are not having babies.


Sometimes i find our ministers really damn wayang. Ask stupid questions. Why no babies? 

Jokes aside the answer is obvious. Too expensive to raise kids.

People are having problems keeping themselves afloat with shitty wages and sky rocketing living costs. Kids are the last thing on their minds. Any Singaporean can tell you the answer to this.
What’s the point of running an inquiry? We don’t need a fucking inquiry, find an answer and bloody fix it already. Mai Tu Liao. We pay you to solve problems not ask questions man. 
So…does that mean I can become your minister also? Cos it looks to me like any mother son can do this job.


Posted: July 27, 2012 in Current Affairs, Law, News, Politics

You read things like these and then you ask why people hate you. As I dislike racial bigotry and xenophobia one can’t help but to think they are really shooting themselves in the foot sometimes.

This is an exerpt from the article.

—Wang Quancheng, the chairman of the Hua Yuan Association, the largest organization representing mainlanders, said the government was not doing enough to help integrate new arrivals, but he also blamed Singaporeans for their intolerance and said many were simply jealous that so many Chinese immigrate here with money in their pockets.

“Of course, the new arrivals are rich or else the government would have to feed them,” he said. “Some locals are very lazy and live off the government. When new immigrants come, they think it is competition, taking away their rice bowls.”

The more I listen to my Ipod the more I miss things outside of Singapore. Good music brings back the times. 

Singapore is nice but i don’t see myself living here for much longer. 

Honestly I don’t hate the country. It’s just that you come to a point where you have seen everything that needs to be seen. Heard everything that needs to be heard. 

What’s left of Singapore to be discovered? 

I grew up in town and in my later years, town has not changed much, if not more uninteresting than before. 

Brand labels are the same from Forum Galleria to Plaza Singapura. Heartland malls? Been to one and you have been to them all. 

Even Hdb flats look no different be it in Jurong, Hougang or Sengkang. Honestly, I can’t tell the difference till this day. 

As for night life, all major clubs generally play the same music. Electrohouse all over the place, or whatever suits the fancy of the majority. 

The irony of it all is that the DJ’s don’t want to play this music and the club goers tell me they are sick of this shit. So where exactly is the weak link here? 

I think the problem with Singapore partially due to governmental oppression but also the incapability of the average Singaporean individual taking any genuine risk. 

Everyone here just plays it safe. No one dares to “lose face” through failure. 

We just live in a society addicted to safety and precaution. In constant fear of what the person next person might think. 

Personally, If everyone is so obsessed with change then start with the source and stop blaming society for the lack of it. 

To me, change starts with self before the rest of the world. 

I have long given up on Singaporean politics but if you must, stop whining like a baby and do something that truly promotes change.

A coalition of Internet activists on Monday unveiled a document they call the “Declaration of Internet Freedom.” The declaration, fresh on the heels of California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa’s “Digital Bill of Rights,” is intended less as a policy document and more as set of guiding ideas.